At the Heart of The Obama “Birth Certificate Issue” There is Racist Prejudice by Paolo von Schirach April 27, 2011 WASHINGTON– So, in the end Donald Trump’s well orchestrated inquisition,...
Standard & Poor’s Downgraded US Outlook – America in Decline Accepts “Negative” as “The New Normal” by Paolo von Schirach April 20, 2011 WASHINGTON– The US sovereign debt outlook was just downgraded from...
NATO in Libya Timid, Almost Unserious – Gaddafi Takes Notice, and so Will Others by Paolo von Schirach April 15, 2011 WASHINGTON– Welcome to the 2011 NATO-led Libya intervention, a fresh...
Libyan Rebels, From Stalemate to Defeat? – Possible “NATO Humiliation” by Paolo von Schirach April 10, 2011 WASHINGTON – Without US leadership, the NATO-led military effort on...
Paul Ryan, “Path to Prosperity”, And How To Change American Bad Health Habits Halvorson of Kaiser Permanente has a recipe WASHINGTON – Here is a riddle for you. What’s the connection between the US looming fiscal crisis, the 2011-2012...
After Bowles-Simpson, House Budget Chair Paul Ryan Comes Forward With a Serious Fiscal Reform Plan by Paolo von Schirach April 4, 2011 WASHINGTON – While the silly posturing on budget cuts to...