South Africa: Major Economy With A Major Crime Problem Violent crime getting worse CENTURION (PRETORIA), South Africa – “Nkosi Sikelel’ iAfrika”, “God Bless Africa”. This is the beautiful beginning of South Africa’s...
Anti-Immigrant Europe Needs Immigrants Most European countries are facing a demographic crisis, with population declines WASHINGTON – I recently read a well crafted article about immigration in both Europe and the USA. It pointed...
Hillary Clinton Is Against The Keystone Pipeline She finally declared her opposition in order to keep the votes of the "greens" within the Democratic Party WASHINGTON – In case you were wondering, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the leading candidate for the Democratic...
WSJ To Pope Francis: Our Prosperity Stems From Freedom Freedom is at the foundation of America's wealth. And freedom is given to all men by God WASHINGTON – Here is how The Wall Street Journal, the unofficial protector of American capitalism, greets Pope Francis on...
Greece: Anti-Austerity Tsipras Will Implement Austerity Political confusion has been added to economic disaster and fiscal nightmare WASHINGTON – The sovereign people of Greece, in their wisdom, just decided to give another chance to Alexis Tsipras...
In Mexico Large Gap Between Developed and Under Developed Regions The Economist suggests that the main obstacle to development is a traditional mind set that cannot embrace modernity WASHINGTON – I recently wrote about the absurd news item regarding 2.3 million applicants for 368 entry level civil...
Pope Francis And His Anti-Capitalist Message Pro poor populism may win some new supporters. But is is based on flawed ideas WASHINGTON – Interestingly enough, Pope Francis is coming to America after visiting Cuba, (a true bastion of progress and...
India: 2.3 Million Applicants For 368 Low Level Jobs Remember the "Incredible India" slogan? Well, this is truly out of this world! WASHINGTON – Narendra Modi, India’s Prime Minister since May 2014, has disappointed many supporters. While recent GDP growth numbers...
General Austin: “4 or 5” US-Trained Syrian Rebels Joined The Fight While the plan was to train 5,000, a small number anyway, the effort has not even started. Is this a joke? WASHINGTON – We were told that the Obama administration, while not going overboard on this, was committed to degrading...
In Italy High Unemployment Is Good News Major media look for a "silver lining" where there is none WASHINGTON – If you really, really insist on finding the proverbial “silver lining” in rather depressing news, here is...