Desalination Technologies are Getting Better and Cheaper By Paolo von Schirach – WASHINGTON – There is a major freshwater crisis affecting many regions of our planet....
Vivek Ramaswamy Is Running For Prophet in Chief By Paolo von Schirach — WASHINGTON — Vivek Ramaswamy is an accomplished, self-made rich American. He made money in...
The Debt Ceiling Clash Is Political Theatre by Paolo von Schirach — WASHINGTON — On the surface, it looks like a spirited fight over matters of...
The Fake Aramco IPO By Paolo von Schirach – WASHINGTON – There were great expectations about the Aramco IPO. It was announced long...
Trump’s Wall and Government Shutdown WASHINGTON – The fight about “The Mexican Border Wall” is indicative of the collapse of serious policy debates in...
Trump Takes U.S. Out of Paris Accord on Climate Decision promoted by the need to shore domestic political base WASHINGTON – U.S. coal miners and out of work factory workers: this is for you! President Donald Trump publicly...
Most Americans Call Themselves Centrists – They Dislike Both Parties Former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg, should he run as an independent, could get critical support from this laarge, uncommitted middle WASHINGTON – The accepted narrative regarding US politics is that the country today is far more polarized than it used...
After Iowa – Can Rubio Become President? Marco Rubio should get the support of all the centrists WASHINGTON – As expected, the Iowa Republicans gave most of their votes to Texas Senator Ted Cruz and billionaire...
Hillary Clinton Is Against The Keystone Pipeline She finally declared her opposition in order to keep the votes of the "greens" within the Democratic Party WASHINGTON – In case you were wondering, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the leading candidate for the Democratic...
FT: “Corbyn Is A Disastrous Choice” The British Labour party has abandoned reality, taking refuge in peace and justice dreams WASHINGTON – Here is how The Financial Times sees the election of Jeremy Corbyn as the new leader of...