Italian Prime Minister Talking Nonsense When wishful thinking becomes farce WASHINGTON – Yes, there is something to be said about optimistic political leaders who inspire their people to hang...
The Dream Of A Modern Saudi Arabia Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed wants to transform a country whose entire society been shaped by the oil rent WASHINGTON – Bloomberg Businessweek placed Saudi Arabia’s Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman on its cover (April 25 – May...
Oil Prices Will Stay Low The Doha talks failed because Iran did not accept to freeze its oil production WASHINGTON – I am not at all surprised to see that the Doha oil talks aimed at finding an...
Living In A False Data World Authoritarian governments produce fake statistics that further political goals WASHINGTON – We are used to hear that we live in a “data driven” world. Thanks to ICT and...
In Japan Corporate Losses Are Not Revealed Sharp had to admit huge losses before Foxconn would agree to buy it WASHINGTON – The WSJ commented in an editorial, (Japan’s Sharp Turn, March 31, 2016), that the Foxconn (Taiwanese electronics...
Angry American Voters Cannot Coalesce Around A Real National Leader Voters good at telling parties what they do not like. They cannot select someone who could unite the country WASHINGTON – The American voters are angry and upset. They “feel” more than know that the country is losing...