Cheap Energy Makes America More Competitive Europe is losing ground. Many energy intensive industries want to relocate to the USA By Paolo von Schirach September 30, 2013 WASHINGTON – Does cheap energy make a difference when it comes to...
Energy Conservation Helps Us Fight Global Warming As we develop more cost-effetive renewable energy technologies, consuming less electricity will help reduce emissions from carbon By Paolo von Schirach September 29, 2013 WASHINGTON – A recent (and rare) TIME magazine piece on energy, (Power Surge,...
Contrary To What CNN Says, Iranian President Rouhani Has Not Admitted That The Holocaust Took Place – “A Group of Jewish People” Was Killed Is Not Much Of An Admission The new Iranian leader is a clever man who is deliberately trying to obsfuscate. Let's not assume that we are dealing with a reformed Iran that now shares our values By Paolo von Schirach September 28, 2013 WASHINGTON – In New York for the UN General Assembly, freshly elected Iranian...
Policy Makers Claim That Europe Is Finally Stable, Long Emergency Is Over – Not So Unless you believe that 12% unemployment and dismal growth are satisfactory, Europe has a long way to go. Unwillingness to consider any change to the EU membership By Paolo von Schirach September 27, 2013 WASHINGTON – It is a sign of the times that listless Europe,...
The Near Collapse Of A Bridge In Wisconsin Is a Reminder Of The Horrible State Of America’s Basic Infrastructure The American Society of Civil Engineers indicates that we should spend at least $ 3.6 trillion between now and 2020 to fix the problem By Paolo von Schirach September 26, 2013 WASHINGTON – A major bridge in Green Bay, Wisconsin has been closed to traffic...
No Way For America To Compete Effectively Unless It Improves Its Dismal Public Education System Most children in Philadelphia cannot read, yet their teachers get good marks. How is this possible? By Paolo von Schirach September 25, 2013 WASHINGTON – There is really no dispute about the fact that in this hyper...
Media Obsession With Terrorism Encourages Attention Seeking People To Engage In Terror Plots By treating political violence just like any other type of violence we would convince would be terrorists that acts of terror change nothing. This might deter at least some of them from plotting WASHINGTON – The real problem with terrorists is that, whatever their “cause” and declared “goals”, deep down they are mostly attention...
If Solar Power Became Affordable, Developing Countries Would Be Transformed Lack of electricity is the main barrier to development. Building power plants and transmission lines is very expensive. Solar would generate power even in remote villages WASHINGTON – When it comes to electric power generation and distribution, in developed countries we are used to this...
Outrageous Health Care Costs In America Even major medical facilities lack electronic systems to access records. Time and resources are wasted because doctors are in the dark about the patient's medical history WASHINGTON – I have observed before that there is an incredible gap between the extraordinarily high level of US health...
Martin Feldstein Has An Excellent Recipe For Stimulating US Growth While Fixing The Debt Infrastructure spending, corporate tax reform, and entitlement reform are indeed necessary and doable. The problem is that our divided political system does not allow any of this to happen By Paolo von Schirach September 18, 2013 WASHINGTON – In a very clear and cogent essay published by the...