Fight Global Warming With Disruptive Innovation – Not Mandates WASHINGTON – The Paris event on climate change will probably yield nothing really concrete. The fact is that, despite...
US Economy Slowing Down Stock prices still very high while the US economy is slowing amidts a deteriorating global economy WASHINGTON – The US stock market, while not doing great, is still up. And yet the US economic outlook...
“And The Fair Land”: Freedom Is America’s True Blessing Conflict and bravery, self-doubt and resourcefulness. But in the end confidence prevailed, and a great country was built WASHINGTON – Thanksgiving 2015 – The Wall Street Journal has been publishing the same “Thanksgiving” Editorial since 1961. It...
Trump Is Still Ahead, But His Core Constituency Is Narrow Does Trump has the skill to build a coalition that will go well beyond his White, lower middle class loyal base? WASHINGTON – Yes, despite the crazy things he says about immigrants, China, Mexico, and Muslims, and despite the grandiose...
You Cannot Kick Start Innovation GE just announced that it will hold seminars in the UAE aimed at fostering a culture of innovation. It will not work WASHINGTON – The Emirates News Agency a year ago announced a partnership between the UAE Ministry of Economy and General...
Argentina Chose Mauricio Macri, A Pro-Business Leader The new President faces huge challenges. Reforms will be difficult WASHINGTON – After 12 years of semi-deranged left wing populism managed by Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, the political heir...
Republican Voters Want Change, Forget About Experience Trump and Carson are leading in the polls. And yet both of them are unprepared to be President WASHINGTON – Yes, Donald Trump is still the number one preference among likely Republican primaries voters. And the rich...
The Terror Threat Will Not End It is too easy to create a terror group. And terror operations are really cheap WASHINGTON – Terror attacks hatched by crazy militants underscore the deep vulnerabilities of modern, open societies. They trigger an avalanche...
Japanese Women Still Excluded From Management Positions A state funded scheme that would pay small firms that promote women had just one application WASHINGTON – One of the key promises of “Abenomics”, the far-reaching economic reforms package put forth by Prime Minister...
Africa’s Debt Is Back – Bigger Than Ever Commodity prices collapsed, currencies lost value. Hard to make interest payments WASHINGTON – There was a time, about ten years ago, in which world-famous rock stars like Bono of U2...