A Made In China Global Recession? Too much debt in China may trigger a global crisis WASHINGTON – After the disastrous 2008 global financial crisis triggered by crazy speculation in the US, the world has...
The Appeal Of Easy Fixes Despondent Americans eager to listen to demagogues WASHINGTON – There is great appeal in fundamental beliefs that can be summarized in short sentences. The problem is...
UK Cannot Exploit Its Shale Gas Reserves Political opposition and bad laws prevent exploitation of vast resources WASHINGTON – The US is enjoying the immense economic benefits of the hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) revolution that made it...
Lift The US Oil Export Ban It makes no sense to keep an energy trade restriction created at the time of the OPEC oil embargo WASHINGTON – At the time of the first OPEC oil embargo (1973-74), in an attempt to protect shrinking domestic...
Capitalism In Peril? Dangerous public policies have undermined the pillars of the free market system WASHINGTON – In a well crafted WSJ op-piece (The World-Wide Undermining of Free Markets, August 11, 2015), financial adviser...
Kenya Held Back By Lack Of Accountability, Corruption Auditor-general's report indicates that only 1.2% of all government spending is properly documented WASHINGTON – According to a BBC story, only 26% of money spent and collected by the Kenyan government has...
A New President Who Knows Nothing About Foreign Policy? Among the 17 contenders for the GOP nomination, not even one has hands on executive experience in foreign affairs WASHINGTON – The recent Cleveland debates featuring all 17 Republicans who want to be president revealed that within this...
In America Politics Is Theater Donald Trump does well because he is outrageous. Jeb Bush is dismissed as boring and unappealing WASHINGTON – Along with 24 million Americans, I watched the TV debate organized by Fox News in Cleveland, Ohio featuring...
End Of The US Recovery? The slow expansion has been going on for more than 74 months. How long before the next recession? WASHINGTON – Ultra-contrarian David Stockman (davidstockmanscontracorner.com) is warning us that the tepid economic recovery America has enjoyed so far,...
In A Speech At The American University Obama Defended Iran Deal Weak analogy with a 1963 Kennedy speech. Address aimed at avoiding political embarrassment. No matter what, Iran deal will stay WASHINGTON – On August 5, US President Barack Obama delivered a speech aimed at promoting his Iran nuclear deal...