Saudi Monarchy Losing Control? A quick prediction in TIME magazine says that may happen in 2016 WASHINGTON – The very last page of the latest TIME magazine double issue about what we can expect in the New Year...
Kenya Held Back By Lack Of Accountability, Corruption Auditor-general's report indicates that only 1.2% of all government spending is properly documented WASHINGTON – According to a BBC story, only 26% of money spent and collected by the Kenyan government has...
The Tea Party Has Become An Ideological, “Anti-Everything” Group – The Republican Party Needs A Strong Message Of Opportunity And Inclusiveness – Chris Christie Could Articulate It Ken Cuccinelli lost in Virginia in large part because he could not get women to vote for him. The conservative social values agenda is horribly outmoded By Paolo von Schirach November 11, 2013 WASHINGTON – At the very beginning, the Tea Party insurgency had some...
Detroit’s Bankruptcy Is About Unaffordable Pension Obligations The city tried to raise extra revenue with higher taxes, this way encouraging more tax payers to leave. The combination of pension costs and bonds obligations proved to be unsustainable. Detroit is not "too big to fail" By Paolo von Schirach July 22, 2013 WASHINGTON – The convenient narrative about the Detroit bankruptcy is that the...
Europe Will Continue Bailing Out Its Weak Southern Members This endless financial aid program is not sustainable. What will Germany do after its political elections? By Paolo von Schirach July 8, 2013 WASHINGTON – Back in 2009, at the very beginning of the Eurozone...
Mass Protests In Moscow Last Year, Now Demonstrations In Turkey And All Over Brazil Are All About Bad Governance Emerging countries will not go to the next level unless the citizens believe that government works to foster the public good By Paolo von Schirach June 18, 2013 WASHINGTON – Last year there were mass anti-Putin protests in Moscow. In the...