Peace in the Caucasus is Attainable By Paolo von Schirach — WASHINGTON — Once the heavy lid of Soviet rule was removed from the Caucasus...
When Describing Historic Events Clarity Is Essential By Paolo von Schirach — WASHINGTON — There is a memorial plaque at a major institution in Washington, DC....
Lessons of 9/11: Stay Vigilant, Improve US Intelligence It is impossible to "win" an aasymmetric conflict in which the other side always has the advantage of surprise WASHINGTON – The 9/11 attacks brought home the simple but unpleasant truth that America and Americans are easy, vulnerable...
The Bergdahl Release Fiasco This US soldier is now charged with desertion. Yet the White House stated that he had served with "honor and distinction" WASHINGTON – It is now official that Sgt. Bowe Bergdhal, held prisoner by the Taliban for many years, has...
Killing In The Name Of God Many believe that Islam breeds violence. But Christainity did the same, for centuries. Luckily, the Christians became more peaceful, but only recently All the current controversies about the religious foundations of the Islamic State, other radical and violent Muslim organizations, and...
The War On Terror And Its Consequences Wrong response to the threat cost America way too much. In the end, not more secure and much poorer WASHINGTON – In a thoughtful piece in the NYT, (The Gift That Keeps Giving, December 3, 2014), Tom Friedman takes us...
Moderate Muslims Mostly Silent About Radical Movements That Claim Islamic Roots ISIL and others thrive in large part because very few challenge their religious credentials WASHINGTON – The self-proclaimed Islamic State, (IS, also known as ISIS or ISIL), now established in parts of Syria and...
Tepid Support For The War Against ISIL – Conflict Will Drag On Arab states should be leading, but they will not. US and Europe have no money, limited will WASHINGTON – The Obama inspired anti-ISIL (also known as ISIS and IS, for Islamic State) coalition is growing –on paper. In...
Let Obama Run The War Against ISIL As He Sees Fit Advice should be offered by qualified people, and only in private. Let us not complicate the mission with poisonous political attacks WASHINGTON – After months of timidity and confusion on what needs to be done, finally in a prime time TV speech...
The Islamic State Should Be Destroyed, Immediately By now we should know that a political entity founded on a radical anti-Western ideology is a serious threat to America and the world WASHINGTON – In the 1990s the Clinton administration stupidly under estimated the threat posed by Osama bin Laden and...