Why America is a Unique Country – Part 2 WASHINGTON – Thomas Jefferson and the other Founding Fathers of America sincerely believed that “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit...
America Is Still “The Fair Land” Thanksgiving Day in a troubled nation WASHINGTON – Since 1961 The Wall Street Journal has published the same editorial in celebration of Thanksgiving, the most American of...
America Needs A New Interpreter Of The Old Values Ted McAllister describes the uniqueness of the American "Sweet Populism". Ronald Reagan led as a good prophet. Now Middle America needs a new one WASHINGTON – Intentionally or by default, Barack Obama has become the champion of the dispossessed and of the downtrodden....
The Fourth Of July Is A Reminder To Appreciate The Gift Of Freedom The Founders believed that in freedom people would have the ability to pursue knowledge. And knowledge would create prosperity. They were mostly right WASHINGTON– Today is the Fourth of July, the anniversary of the Declaration of Independence of 1776 –and America’s most...
The Meaning of “American Exceptionalism” The State's main function is to protect individual freedoms WASHINGTON – A few years ago, when asked about the meaning of “American Exceptionalism” during a trip abroad, President Obama, who...
Let “Mr. Smith” Come To Washington The 1939 Frank Capra movie is a moral tale: America will thrive only if we elect people who sincerely believe in the principles that inspired the Founders of this Republic WASHINGTON – As the New Year begins, I express my wish: I would like a real “Mr. Smith” to come...
The Tea Party Has Become An Ideological, “Anti-Everything” Group – The Republican Party Needs A Strong Message Of Opportunity And Inclusiveness – Chris Christie Could Articulate It Ken Cuccinelli lost in Virginia in large part because he could not get women to vote for him. The conservative social values agenda is horribly outmoded By Paolo von Schirach November 11, 2013 WASHINGTON – At the very beginning, the Tea Party insurgency had some...
Mediocre July Jobs Report Points To Lower Standards Of Living In The US Most of the new 162,000 jobs are low paying positions in retail. Too many part time jobs. The end of American upward mobility? By Paolo von Schirach August 3, 2013 WASHINGTON – The latest US jobs figures are alarming. Sure, we added...
Washington Now Dominated By Not So Great Scandals – Too Much Focus On Benghazi and The IRS Because There Is Nothing Interesting Coming Out Of The Obama White House – No Major Initiative, No Reform Plan By Paolo von Schirach May 17, 2013 WASHINGTON – The most telling evidence of Obama’s weakness is that B...
From Beijing To Washington People Cry Out For Good Governance – Professional Politicians In Developing And Developed Countries Are Often Behind The Curve By Paolo von Schirach March 10, 2013 TRAVELING BETWEEN EMERGING MARKETS – In the developing world, a few decades...