Syria Is Not A Strategic Priority For Washington Let Russia be in control of an impoverished and completely ruined country WASHINGTON – It is clear that Russia, as the key ally of president Assad of Syria, has taken a...
America Cut Funds to Syrian Rebels CIA managed operation produced meager results, will come to an end WASHINGTON – After the fall of Aleppo, I concluded that the Syrian opposition to Assad had been essentially defeated....
Forget About Assad – America Should Focus on Fighting ISIL The Islamic State is the biggest threat WASHINGTON – What are Obama’s options regarding an American “Syria Policy” aimed at supporting the emergence of a democratic...
US Troops In Syria? A few Spcial Ops troops on the ground indicate nothing WASHINGTON – What do we make of the announcement by the Obama administration about its decision to send about...
Obama Inherited The Iraq Mess, But He Made It Worse As Iraq started falling apart, Obama did absolutely nothing. Now it is much harder to stop the crisis WASHINGTON – So, “Did Obama lose Iraq”? Is it Obama’s fault that a country once at the center of US...
As America Was Distracted, Iraq Descended Into Chaos It is in Washington's national security interest to re-establish peace and stability in Iraq. Prompt action required WASHINGTON – With the benefit of hindsight we are all geniuses. Still, it would not have been too difficult...
Too Early To Call The US-Russia Deal On A Road Map Leading To The Destruction Of Syria’s WMDs “A Success” The Geneva agreement is just the first step. Good faith implementation is another matter. In case of Syrian cheating, Obama has no stick By Paolo von Schirach September 14, 2013 WASHINGTON – The rather optimistic headlines are that the US and Russia reached...
Even Assuming Good Faith, Negotiations To Hand Over And Destroy Syrian WMDs Would Take Years Obama now is committed to open-ended talks with unreliable partners, without any alternative. US politics against military intervention By Paolo von Schirach September 12, 2013 WASHINGTON – To the non expert the Geneva get together between Secretary od...
Unless Assad and The Russians Are Convinced that The US Means Business, They Will Use Any Negotations About Surrendering WMDs As A Dilatory Tactic Only the credible threat of the use of American military force will induce Damascus to give up its chemical weapons By Paolo von Schirach September 10, 2013 WASHINGTON – The Russian last minute proposal, (made through Sergey Lavrov, the Foreign Minister),...
What Is the Point Of Giving “Equal Time” To Syrian Dictator Assad on CBS? Autocrats are used to telling lies without suffering any political consequences. This interview with Assad in which he flatly denies any use of chemical weapons may influence the US political debate By Paolo von Schirach September 9, 2013 WASHINGTON – What is the point of airing an interview with Syrian President...