Is There A Democratic Party Policy Agenda? The opposition party strategy seems to sit and wait for the Republican Party implosion WASHINGTON – If you watch most of the cable news channels these days you get a steady diet of...
Unhappy Americans Look for Culprits Many voters believe that outsiders will deliver prosperity WASHINGTON – The most visible impact of “The Great Stagnation” , (the title of Tyler Cowen’s book provides a good...
Angry American Voters Cannot Coalesce Around A Real National Leader Voters good at telling parties what they do not like. They cannot select someone who could unite the country WASHINGTON – The American voters are angry and upset. They “feel” more than know that the country is losing...
Hillary Clinton Will Ban Fracking -Less Energy For America If elected President, she will restrict most hydraulic fracturing activities WASHINGTON – When it comes to America’s energy needs and viable alternatives to fossil fuels, it looks as if...
The Moral Case For Capitalism Nobody talks about the benefits of self-reliance WASHINGTON – Would Hillary Clinton make a moral case for American capitalism? I am not so sure. First of...
US Economy and Public Finances Deteriorating – Candidates Talk About Something Else The economic foundations are fragile, while the deficit will start growing again. No plan to change any of this WASHINGTON – While we wait with trepidation for the outcome of the Iowa caucuses that will finally begin to...
Bernie Sanders For President? It is unbelievable that an old fashioned socialist who promotes wealth redistribution is considered a serious candidate WASHINGTON – It is truly bizarre that a significant percentage (more than 30%) of potential Democratic voters are considering...
Can We Find Decent People To Fix Our Democracies? Going for populists with easy answers is a bad idea WASHINGTON – Democracy and free markets anyone? By this I mean opting for a real republican government with fair...
Why Are Americans In Love With Crazy Political Ideas? Trump and Sanders succeed because we no longer have any consensus about which policies improve the common good WASHINGTON – “I play to people’s fantasies. I call it truthful hyperbole”. This is what Donald Trump once said,...
The Appeal Of Easy Fixes Despondent Americans eager to listen to demagogues WASHINGTON – There is great appeal in fundamental beliefs that can be summarized in short sentences. The problem is...