Can China Provide a New Economic Model? WASHINGTON– Can we say that “US-style free market capitalism”, as a reality, as a model and as an aspiration, is...
A Real Estate Bubble in China? WASHINGTON – Japan had its real estate bubble in 1989. America had its “”, “new economy” bubble in 2000...
What About China? WASHINGTON – Nothing is more convincing than apparent material success. And China, just by looking at historically unprecedented rates...
The World is not yet Flat WASHINGTON – According to the new optimistic conventional wisdom, the world has become “flat”. Historic barriers of time, distance,...
Asia Rises, America Distracted WASHINGTON – Five years into the invasion of Iraq, defined by its proponents as an essential component of the...
“At Ease with Globalization”? by Paolo von Schirach May 25, 2007 WASHINGTON – French President Nicolas Sarkozy in his first official visit to...
How Pollution May Ruin Hong Kong by Paolo von Schirach January 18, 2007 WASHINGTON – It was reported last December in Hong Kong that members...
Green is Business GE trying to ride the new wave WASHINGTON – “Green” is increasingly business — good business — around the globe. True, favorable regulatory and fiscal arrangements...