End Of The Green Illusion? Not Yet By Paolo von Schirach — WASHINGTON— Now it is fairly clear. Getting to a green, decarbonized economy in order...
Tesla Batteries and Climate Change By Paolo von Schirach — WASHINGTON – Notwithstanding solemn pledges issued by many governments, no country that really matters...
Fight Global Warming With Disruptive Innovation – Not Mandates WASHINGTON – The Paris event on climate change will probably yield nothing really concrete. The fact is that, despite...
Fusion: The Next Energy Revolution Abundant, cheap and emissions free energy for the world WASHINGTON – TIME‘s cover story (November 2, 2015) has this tantalizing title: “Unlimited Energy. For Everyone. Forever. FUSION, It...
Obama’s Anti-Carbon Policies Will Have No Impact On Global Warming This is all about ideology. Most environmentalists are Democrats WASHINGTON – President Obama is trying to transform the US energy industry via federal regulations. He just announced a...
Obama: War With IS Going Well – Climate Change Is The Real Threat WASHINGTON – How is the US war with ISIL (IS) going? Well, not so great; but not bad either, according...
Historic US-China Deal To Fight Global Warming? A non binding agreement that commits China to do something after 2030 does not amount to much WASHINGTON – President Obama went to Beijing and –surprise, surprise– he pulled a huge rabbit out of a hat in...
Fighting Climate Change Is Useless – Invest In Adaptation Without China, India and others participating, US expensive carbon restrictions mandates will make no difference WASHINGTON – If you want a cogent and well explained argument about the complete uselessness of US carbon restriction laws...
Chinese Experts Say That China Needs A Lot More Natural Gas – Not Renewables The focus is on cost effective alternatives to coal. And it is natural gas, not solar or wind By Paolo von Schirach February 17, 2014 WASHINGTON – In the often schizoid US national debate on energy issues...
Industrial Policies Usually Do Not Work – The Obama Administration Bet On Renewable Energy Right When Shale Gas Drove Down The Price Of A Key Carbon Source Illustrates The Point By Paolo von Schirach September 26, 2012 WASHINGTON – Watching the science program NOVA on PBS, (US...