Green At All Costs Gets You Power Outages by Paolo von Schirach — WASHINGTON — As Joe Manchin’s (Democratic Senator, West Virginia) website states: “Senator Manchin is...
Coal Makes India The Super Polluter India uses coal for most of its electrical power generation WASHINGTON – In case you were wondering, we are not making much progress in our planetary war against global...
Coal Consumption On the Rise in Asia Developing countries pick the cheapest fuel to produce needed electricity WASHINGTON – The Paris climate talks may end up with new carbon reduction commitments made mostly by Europe and...
Obama’s Anti-Carbon Policies Will Have No Impact On Global Warming This is all about ideology. Most environmentalists are Democrats WASHINGTON – President Obama is trying to transform the US energy industry via federal regulations. He just announced a...
New Technologies Will Make Carbon-Based Energy Obsolete Regulations and mandates will not work. Governments should invest much more in new R&D WASHINGTON – The NYT recently had a front page (scary) story on global warming, accompanied by a frightening map...
Solar Panels On Every American Roof? The WSJ reports that home builder Lennar is now offering new homes with installed solar panels WASHINGTON – Solar panels producing photovoltaic electricity are finally going mainstream, according to an interesting WSJ story, (Home Builders...
Man Made Global Warming? Not So Sure Anymore US engaged in a major energy policy shift to combat a problem that may not be what we are told WASHINGTON – Until a few years ago there was a semi-universal consensus on “global warming”. It was settled that...
Can China Fix Its Environmental Disaster? Enormous sums will be spent; yet it may be too late. Lower economic growth will have political consequences By Paolo von Schirach August 11, 2013 WASHINGTON – China is indeed “The World’s Worst Polluter“, as The Economist newsmagazine...
Obama’s Speeches Not In Sync With America’s Deep Concerns Nuclear disarmament, gloabal warming are imporatnt issues but not on top of any list. Obama's grandiose pronouncements fall flat. President out of touch? By Paolo von Schirach June 26, 2013 WASHINGTON – I notice a huge disconnect between the big concerns of the...
Natural Gas And Renewable Energy May Be Complementary – Major Study Cited By PennEnergy The Brattle Group indicates that in Texas wind power could work very well with additional power supplied by natural gas By Paolo von Schirach June 14, 2013 WASHINGTON – It is obvious that abundant and cheap US natural gas...