How We Will Win Against China By Paolo von Schirach – WASHINGTON – In America and more broadly in the West we have come (belatedly)...
US Leaving Afghanistan Is About Politics, Not Geopolitics By Paolo von Schirach – WASHINGTON – Here we go. After some debate within his administration, President Joe Biden...
Irrational America Will Fail By Paolo von Schirach — WASHINGTON – Americans love biographies. A classic sub-category of this popular genre is books...
Farewell to Africa? No way for Africa to find its path to development until good governance will become the norm, rather than the rare exception WASHINGTON – Jacob Zuma is finally gone. It was a painful process. It took years; but he is now...
Palace Coup In Zimbabwe Will Not Bring Along Genuine Democracy The generals got to pick their preferred successor to Robert Mugabe WASHINGTON – Despite some last minute confusion regarding the timing of his exit, Robert “Mad Bob” Mugabe is finally...
In 1992 Ross Perot Was The Billionaire Ready To Fix Everything In No Time – Just Like Trump Ross Perot program consissted in bringing in the best people and giving them instructions to devise the best solutions WASHINGTON – This is an excerpt from a funny imaginary vignette (Notebook, by Robert Shrimsley, Republicans seek reasons to...
Saudi Monarchy Losing Control? A quick prediction in TIME magazine says that may happen in 2016 WASHINGTON – The very last page of the latest TIME magazine double issue about what we can expect in the New Year...
“And The Fair Land”: Freedom Is America’s True Blessing Conflict and bravery, self-doubt and resourcefulness. But in the end confidence prevailed, and a great country was built WASHINGTON – Thanksgiving 2015 – The Wall Street Journal has been publishing the same “Thanksgiving” Editorial since 1961. It...
All Is Well In China? According to a major consultancy, nothing out of the ordinary in the Chinese economy WASHINGTON – A detailed report prepared by a major Western international economic consultancy pointed out that the doomsday predictions...
Hong Kong Legislative Council Votes Against China Surprise exit of pro-China members leads to defeat of new electoral law WASHINGTON – If there is one thing that the Chinese leaders do not like is bad surprises. And they...