The Post Oil Economy Just Began By Paolo von Schirach – WASHINGTON – President Biden has been heavily criticized by conservatives for issuing a raft...
Trivializing Impeachment By Paolo von Schirach – WASHINGTON – The Democrats who hold the majority in the US House of Representatives...
US Fiscal Irresponsibility Will Lead to Bankruptcy WASHINGTON – The Democrats in Congress and Republican President Donald Trump agree practically on nothing. Therefore, it is impossible...
Is There A Democratic Party Policy Agenda? The opposition party strategy seems to sit and wait for the Republican Party implosion WASHINGTON – If you watch most of the cable news channels these days you get a steady diet of...
Unhappy Americans Look for Culprits Many voters believe that outsiders will deliver prosperity WASHINGTON – The most visible impact of “The Great Stagnation” , (the title of Tyler Cowen’s book provides a good...
Angry American Voters Cannot Coalesce Around A Real National Leader Voters good at telling parties what they do not like. They cannot select someone who could unite the country WASHINGTON – The American voters are angry and upset. They “feel” more than know that the country is losing...