Europe and the African Population Explosion By Paolo von Schirach — WASHINGTON — Assuming that the ongoing, substantial migration of Africans to Europe will continue...
US Fiscal Irresponsibility Will Lead to Bankruptcy WASHINGTON – The Democrats in Congress and Republican President Donald Trump agree practically on nothing. Therefore, it is impossible...
The Disastrous Consequences of China’s One Child Policy It may be too late to fix the damage WASHINGTON – “ one child mandate is the single greatest social-policy error in human history.” — Nicholas Eberstadt, political...
Anti-Immigrant Europe Needs Immigrants Most European countries are facing a demographic crisis, with population declines WASHINGTON – I recently read a well crafted article about immigration in both Europe and the USA. It pointed...
The Enormous Value Of Subsidized Child Care Give women the opportunity to have a career and children WASHINGTON – Most advanced countries are experiencing low or very low fertility rates. Anything below 2.1 children per woman...
Steady Inflow Of Poor Immigrants A Huge Problem For Italy The inflow is not a flood. But it will not stop. Poor people require services WASHINGTON – Compared to the chaos caused by floods of Syrian refugees trying to find shelter in Lebanon, Turkey or Jordan, the numbers...
An Anti-Immigrant Coalition Won Elections In Denmark The Danish People Party gained new support WASHINGTON – A center-right coalition led by former Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen’s Liberal Party just won the elections...
Japan’s Slow Suicide The sharp, protracted fertility decline means a smaller population, and a country composed mostly of old people WASHINGTON – Japan is slowly sinking. This is due to the impact of many self-inflicted wounds, starting with the collapse of fertility rates. “Civilizations die from...
China Facing Population Decline Now some Chineese women are allowed to have two children; but very few choose to do so WASHINGTON – It looks totally implausible, but China is facing the real danger of a declining population. Yes, with...
An Aging Population Is Japan’s Real Problem Prime Minister Abe is trying to revive the economy; but he is presiding over a geriatric ward WASHINGTON – Supposedly “Abenomics” is economic shock therapy aimed at ending Japan’s decades of slumber. Abenomics is about devaluing the currency...