America Should Be An Opportunity Society By Paolo von Schirach – WASHINGTON – Come January 20, 2021, Joe Biden will be unable to effectively govern...
No More Startups In America The real problem is fewer and fewer new enterprises WASHINGTON – President Obama confidently declared to the Nation in his last State of the Union Address that the...
In Mexico Large Gap Between Developed and Under Developed Regions The Economist suggests that the main obstacle to development is a traditional mind set that cannot embrace modernity WASHINGTON – I recently wrote about the absurd news item regarding 2.3 million applicants for 368 entry level civil...
India: 2.3 Million Applicants For 368 Low Level Jobs Remember the "Incredible India" slogan? Well, this is truly out of this world! WASHINGTON – Narendra Modi, India’s Prime Minister since May 2014, has disappointed many supporters. While recent GDP growth numbers...
America Losing Its Small Companies No credit, high taxes and too much regulation are stifling the engine of US economic growth WASHINGTON – Dozens of analysts tell TV viewers that, whatever may be happening in China, things look good in...
America Needs Good Pro-Growth Structural Reforms Let's go back to Simpson-Bowles. We need action on fiscal and tax issues, deregulation and public education WASHINGTON – After the August 24 sell off, there was no real bounce back. The US stock market regained...