The Digital Divide Delays Africa’s Development By Paolo von Schirach – WASHINGTON – The internet revolution affected every aspect of business, corporate organizations, government activities,...
Kenya Held Back By Lack Of Accountability, Corruption Auditor-general's report indicates that only 1.2% of all government spending is properly documented WASHINGTON – According to a BBC story, only 26% of money spent and collected by the Kenyan government has...
Obama’s Nairobi Speech In Praise of Enterprise Not Well Reported – A Pity Most media focused on what the President said about enterprise as an antidote to political violence. Yet Obama said a lot more WASHINGTON – US President Barack Obama traveled to Nairobi, Kenya to address a US-sponsored international forum on entrepreneurship. He...
No Good Cities In Developing Countries Chaotic urbaniization means epic traffic and poor services WASHINGTON – Many emerging countries have made progress in their own economic development. Growth is up, poverty is down. And...
NYT Report From Cuba Silent About Moribund Economy Cuba is poor because it is socialist. And yet none of this comes out in a long article about local reactions to the news of normalized relations with the USA WASHINGTON – In a longish report from Cuba, The New York Times tells us about various opinions expressed by...
America Embraces Cuba? After 55 years of hostility, Obama establishes diplomatic relations with the communist regime WASHINGTON – President Obama’s unexpected announcement about re-establishing formal diplomatic relations with Cuba, while easing some of the travel and...
At The Root Of the Hong Kong Protests: Economic Prosperity Is Founded On Political Freedom Hong Kong people want real democracy. China wants to control Hong Kong politics WASHINGTON – Will the Hong Kong protesters demanding true democratic elections for the special status territory win in the end?...
Why Are So Many Rich Chinese Leaving China? Successful entrepreneurs leave, gifted students go abroad and do not come back WASHINGTON – If China were really the wave of the future, as many optimistic commentators argue, soon to replace America...
No Sustainable Economic Development Without Genuine Democratic Capitalism Contrary to previous predictions, emerging markets are not catching up WASHINGTON – Economic development specialist William Easterly pointed out recently that, reviewing all the speeches delivered by the past...
South Africa’s Economic Crisis Will Breed More Social Tensions Wealth gap between few Whites and Millions of Blacks too wide. Recent strikes indicate the poor are getting angry WASHINGTON – According to most analysts, Sub-Saharan Africa is finally poised for a real economic take-off. Prevailing growth rates between 5...