The End Of China’s Boom China could continue growing if it became an innovation society. But innovation requires freedom WASHINGTON – The China story has changed, quite a bit. Yesterday it was about relentless growth. Today it is...
With Luck, In A Few Years Spain’s Unemployment Rate Will Go Below 20% In the "New Normal" of the economic decline affecting Southern Europe, this is good news WASHINGTON – Talk about beating low expectations. Luis de Guindos, Spanish Minister of the Economy and Competitiveness, recently reported that...
In Our Economic “New Normal” Chronic Under Performance Is OK Both In America and in Europe societies are getting the message that slow growth is the best we can get WASHINGTON – The most distressing outcome of the deep global recession of 2008-2009, and subsequent anemic recovery, is that...
Mortimer Zuckerman in the WSJ: Too Much Part-Time Work Reflects a Weak US Economy Yes, the unemployment rate is going down; but most of the jobs created are part-time, while Americans who seek full time employment cannot find it WASHINGTON – The well established conventional wisdom in US politics is that the mid-term elections, (coming up in November), are...
China’s Government Manipulating Official Statistics? Private forecasters indicate that China's actual GDP growth is lower that what Beijing claims WASHINGTON – A few days ago a major US newspaper had yet another story on China’s economic slowdown. Yes, China...