The End of Hong Kong By Paolo von Schirach— WASHINGTON – Hong Kong as we knew it –an island of economic (and at least...
Wanted: A Coronavirus Manhattan Project By Paolo von Schirach – WASHINGTON – Regarding coronavirus, so far public policy in most Western countries focused on...
Only Skilled Workers Will Make It In The Global Economy Those who cannot master complex processes will be pushed down into the vast pool of manual labor WASHINGTON – We can argue that in America may be about half the work force is doing alright because...
Unrealistic Plans To Stop African Migration Into Europe The creation of a mega infrastructure fund aimed at speeding up Africa's development will get you nowhere WASHINGTON – How can Europe stop the endless tide of poor migrants arriving daily from Africa? Very simple, argues...
Italian Prime Minister Talking Nonsense When wishful thinking becomes farce WASHINGTON – Yes, there is something to be said about optimistic political leaders who inspire their people to hang...
The Dream Of A Modern Saudi Arabia Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed wants to transform a country whose entire society been shaped by the oil rent WASHINGTON – Bloomberg Businessweek placed Saudi Arabia’s Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman on its cover (April 25 – May...
China Worries Fostered By Unreliable Government Data Analysts tend to think the worst when something unusual happens WASHINGTON – What’s going on in the Chinese economy? Nobody knows, really. We get bits and pieces; but not...
China’s Economic Slide And Its Political Repercussions The stock market fall may be an indication of more bad news to come WASHINGTON – The big 7% Shanghai stock market loss right at the start of the new year is surprising....
Argentina Recreated A Reliable Statistics Agency Modern capitalism needs real data as a foundation for decisions on investments and expenditures WASHINGTON – Newly elected Argentine President Mauricio Macri wasted no time to create a new, pro-growth business climate. He...
How Much Unemployment in China? Assumimg more people out of work, at some point this becomes a political issue WASHINGTON – The WSJ just had a front page story on China, focusing on factory closings, jobs losses, strikes and...