China Beats America in STEM Education By Paolo von Schirach – WASHINGTON – Here is the hard truth. China is massively ahead of the U.S....
Only Skilled Workers Will Make It In The Global Economy Those who cannot master complex processes will be pushed down into the vast pool of manual labor WASHINGTON – We can argue that in America may be about half the work force is doing alright because...
The Moral Case For Capitalism Nobody talks about the benefits of self-reliance WASHINGTON – Would Hillary Clinton make a moral case for American capitalism? I am not so sure. First of...
Fight Inequality With Improved Public Education No, it is not. The challenge is how to respond to globalization and technological progress WASHINGTON – In the course of a popular national radio show, an important journalist declared that “the Big Issue”...
Where Is The New African Middle Class? Rosy predictions failed to materialize. Lack of basic resources like electricity prevent a real economic take-off WASHINGTON – In a recent article focusing on why the African middle class is still rather small, The Economist...
Europe’s Refugee Crisis Getting Worse Immigrants coming into Europe do not add to the economy. They need services WASHINGTON – According to UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, so far in 2015 Europe received about 300,000 refugees who...
The Real Problem With Welfare Is Dependence, Not Cost People accustomed to receiving public assiatnce lack the motivation to face any challenge on their own WASHINGTON – The standard argument in favor of the welfare state and its multiple entitlement programs is that modern, relatively...
Democracy Is More Than Free Elections As America's Founders recognized, self-government is premised on sensible, educated citizens pursuing the common good on the basis of realistic ideas By Paolo von Schirach February 15, 2014 WASHINGTON – In America many, including well-educated people, believe that “democracy” is really...
The Tea Party Has Become An Ideological, “Anti-Everything” Group – The Republican Party Needs A Strong Message Of Opportunity And Inclusiveness – Chris Christie Could Articulate It Ken Cuccinelli lost in Virginia in large part because he could not get women to vote for him. The conservative social values agenda is horribly outmoded By Paolo von Schirach November 11, 2013 WASHINGTON – At the very beginning, the Tea Party insurgency had some...
No Way For America To Compete Effectively Unless It Improves Its Dismal Public Education System Most children in Philadelphia cannot read, yet their teachers get good marks. How is this possible? By Paolo von Schirach September 25, 2013 WASHINGTON – There is really no dispute about the fact that in this hyper...