The Arab Spring Outcome Will Be Decided by Economic Reforms That Will Spur Growth by Paolo von Schirach May 1, 2011 WASHINGTON– The Arab Spring is still unfolding –and not neatly....
It Is Not Just Libya, Arab Autocrats Fight Back By Paolo von Schirach March 21, 2011 WASHINGTON– America, like everybody, has been caught by surprise and...
The Arab World’s Glorious, Yet Uneasy, Steps Towards Democracy WASHINGTON – A recent US public TV documentary featured Gigi Ibrahim, one of the young stars of...
Egypt’s Generals Leading The Country to Democracy? By Paolo von Schirach February 11, 2011 WASHINGTON – Lat week the Egyptian protesters finally got the...
Protests Grow In Egypt, Mubarak Delegates Power. Tipping Point? WASHINGTON– Finally the signs of a tipping point in Cairo? Maybe, notwithstanding very confusing developments that may...
Egyptian Regime: Negotiating In Good Faith, Or Just Buying Time? WASHINGTON – The updates from Cairo create a mixed picture that invites caution in any attempt to...
Not a Revolution; But Egypt Will Get its Reforms – Is Anybody Watching? “Those who cling to the status quo may be able to hold back the...
America: Time for Clarity on Egypt WASHINGTON – White House press secretary Robert Gibbs yesterday tried his best to say as little as...