Oprah For President? Americans look at outsiders simply because the pros are inept WASHINGTON – Oprah for President? Yes, after her recent Hollywood speech this is now a distinctly possible scenario for...
Italy Overwhelmed by Poor African Immigrants economic and political refugees keep stream in, while Italy's native population is shrinking WASHINGTON – Italy has two major demographic problems. Both of them carry bad outcomes. Italy is the destination of...
Maersk Warning About Global Slow Down – Recession In the US? Trade flows have been reduced. The worst since 2008 WASHINGTON – Maersk, (based in Denmark) is the largest shipping conglomerate in the world. Their business is to transport...
Thanks To The Central Banks, The Equity Bubble Is Getting Bigger Governments are not engaging in serious economic policy reforms. Central bankers keep pumping in more liquidity. What will happen next? WASHINGTON – Imagine this. There are lots of chronically sick patients in the hospital. Many of them are deteriorating...
Can We Find Decent People To Fix Our Democracies? Going for populists with easy answers is a bad idea WASHINGTON – Democracy and free markets anyone? By this I mean opting for a real republican government with fair...
Europe’s Refugee Crisis Getting Worse Immigrants coming into Europe do not add to the economy. They need services WASHINGTON – According to UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, so far in 2015 Europe received about 300,000 refugees who...
The Real Problem With Welfare Is Dependence, Not Cost People accustomed to receiving public assiatnce lack the motivation to face any challenge on their own WASHINGTON – The standard argument in favor of the welfare state and its multiple entitlement programs is that modern, relatively...
Japan’s Slow Suicide The sharp, protracted fertility decline means a smaller population, and a country composed mostly of old people WASHINGTON – Japan is slowly sinking. This is due to the impact of many self-inflicted wounds, starting with the collapse of fertility rates. “Civilizations die from...
The Economy Grows Modestly, While Wall Street Is At An All Time High We have yet another bubble, this time caused by the ill-advised stimulus created by Central Bankers. WASHINGTON – When it comes to US higher and higher stock prices I am struck by something truly odd,...
The Bad “Lesson” of The EU Debt Crisis Is That There Will Always Be A Bailout Other underperforming European economies know that there is a safety net. But this creates no incentive to really improve the fundamentals By Paolo von Schirach July 31, 2013 WASHINGTON – The situation in Europe turned from really dramatic into just...