French President Macron: “Europe Can Die” by Paolo von Schirach– WASHINGTON — In an April 25 speech at The Sorbonne focused on security issues French...
The EU Will Not Create Its Own Armed Forces By Paolo von Schirach WASHINGTON – French president Emmanuel Macron said it right. In his speech at the Munich...
Trump’s Remarks On NATO WASHINGTON – Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump made headlines in Europe when he declared that America would intervene to...
April 4th Was NATO’s Anniversary This date marks the beginning of the most extarordinary security and political alliance in modern history. But nobody paid any attention WASHINGTON – April 4th 2015 came and went. Nobody paid any attention to this date. And why should they?...
It Is Time For Kiev To Recognize that Eastern Ukraine Is Lost The fight against Moscow funded rebels is pointless. Poroshenko cannot win against Putin WASHINGTON – I know that this is repetitive, but I have to say again that it is time for Ukrainian...
After A Long And Costly War, Ukraine Forced To Admit Defeat The Eastern Provinces are lost. Poroshenko knew he could not win. And yet he spent precious funds on an unwinnable conflict WASHINGTON – It is sad but true that the post-Yanukovych, democratic Ukrainian government had zero chances of winning the conflict against...
Most NATO Countries’ Defense Spending Well Below Target A military alliance with a weak military is no longer credible WASHINGTON – At what point will the gap between NATO’s mission to defend all members and the actual military means...
Estonian Government: Russians Abducted Senior Security Officer If this is true, we have yet another demonstration that Putin does as he pleases WASHINGTON – What a coincidence! Only a few days ago President Barack Obama, on his way to the much anticipated...
Does The NATO Alliance Still Embody Western Values? Lukewarm political cohesion creates doubts about Western resolve within the Alliance and beyond WASHINGTON – The NATO Summit in Wales is sadly yet another tired display of Western countries getting together and...
Federica Mogherini Gets Top EU Foreign Policy Job – Inconsequential Position To A Rookie By appointing a person with almost no real experience the EU countries indicate that foreign policy remains a national prerogative WASHINGTON – Federica Mogherini, age 41, since February 2014 Italy’s (youngest ever) Minister of Foreign Affairs, has just been appointed High...