Facing Low Oil Prices Exxon Is Looking For New Strategies The current oil glut makes many conventional oil project uneconomical WASHINGTON – Major oil companies are in deep trouble. Too much global supply means lower crude prices. If this...
Mass Produced Electric Cars? Sooner Than You Think The cost of batteries is going down. EVs are becoming more affordable WASHINGTON – The still unresolved issue that will determine if and when there will be real mass demand for Electric...
Is Exxon’s Obfuscation About Climate Change A Crime? Exxon apparently knew a long time that fossil fuels cause global warming but denied it in public WASHINGTON – Here is the thing. We know now that ExxonMobil’s internal documents reveal that experts working for the...
Electric Vehicle Technology Advances May Destroy The Global Oil Industry So far EVs are still in their infancy. But If batteries become better and cheaper, this will be the end of oil WASHINGTON – Joseph Schumpeter famously called it “creative destruction”. This was and still is the best way to describe...