America Should Be An Opportunity Society By Paolo von Schirach – WASHINGTON – Come January 20, 2021, Joe Biden will be unable to effectively govern...
Russia Is Still Europe’s Main Energy Supplier Despite the sanctions and capital flight, Russia keeps its influence over Europe WASHINGTON – Despite the economic sanctions caused by its military intervention in Ukraine and the horrible impact of collapsed oil...
Putin Destroyed All Notions Of A Peaceful Post-Cold War Europe Russia has its own ideas about sovereignty, when it comes to former Soviet Republics. America and Europe will not do much about any of this WASHINGTON – In an almost casual way Russian President Vladimir Putin trashed each and every agreement that supposedly guaranteed...
With Or Without A Major Crisis In The Ukraine, Putin Determines The Agenda A timid West is in a reactive mode, mostly hoping that Putin will calm down and be nice By Paolo von Schirach Related piece: March 4, 2014 WASHINGTON – What is truly worrisome about the ongoing...
Ukraine Crisis End Game: Putin Gets To Keep The Crimea Sadly, the West has no stomach to engage in a protracted confrontation with Moscow. Europe is weak. America is impotent By Paolo von Schirach March 3, 2014 WASHINGTON – The official Russian description of what is happening in the...
Europe’s “Soft Power” and the Georgia Crisis WASHINGTON– The way Europe is handling the Russian invasion of Georgia, (including the disturbing corollary of a possible unilateral...