President Trump? Doandl trump may get the nomination and he may be able to beat Clinton WASHINGTON – Donald Trump most likely will be the Republican nominee for president. This is not on account of...
Angry Americans Love Donald Trump Enough of them to get him the nomination and then allowing him to win the White House? WASHINGTON – How do you explain the “Trump Phenomenon”? It is easier than you think. Traditional democratic capitalism is...
Establishment Republicans Fight One Another – Trump Marches On In this race there is room for only one moderate Republican WASHINGTON – After the New Hampshire primary it is clear that Donald Trump, the clear winner, is not going...
Will Donald Trump Be The Republican Nominee? Bizarre, but possible. This choice would indicate that millions of Americans are guided by emotions and not common sense WASHINGTON – Will Donald Trump be the Republican presidential nominee? May be yes. Bizarre, but now distinctly possible.
Governor John Kasich Is A Credible New Republican He has an impressive background and the ability to connect with the average voter WASHINGTON – Among the many Republicans (17 contenders) trying to get their party’s nomination, there are only a couple...
In America Politics Is Theater Donald Trump does well because he is outrageous. Jeb Bush is dismissed as boring and unappealing WASHINGTON – Along with 24 million Americans, I watched the TV debate organized by Fox News in Cleveland, Ohio featuring...