EU Money To Stop African Migrants? The latest European plan is a sign of despair or stupidity WASHINGTON – The EU-Africa Summit just held in Malta was supposed to lead to some kind of understanding between...
Greece: Anti-Austerity Tsipras Will Implement Austerity Political confusion has been added to economic disaster and fiscal nightmare WASHINGTON – The sovereign people of Greece, in their wisdom, just decided to give another chance to Alexis Tsipras...
FT: “Corbyn Is A Disastrous Choice” The British Labour party has abandoned reality, taking refuge in peace and justice dreams WASHINGTON – Here is how The Financial Times sees the election of Jeremy Corbyn as the new leader of...
More And More Africans Flowing Into Europe No way to stop this wave. Unskilled immigrants do not contribute to the economy WASHINGTON – High minded European media chastise both EU governments and segments of public opinion for their myopic and...
The Enormous Value Of Subsidized Child Care Give women the opportunity to have a career and children WASHINGTON – Most advanced countries are experiencing low or very low fertility rates. Anything below 2.1 children per woman...
Steady Inflow Of Poor Immigrants A Huge Problem For Italy The inflow is not a flood. But it will not stop. Poor people require services WASHINGTON – Compared to the chaos caused by floods of Syrian refugees trying to find shelter in Lebanon, Turkey or Jordan, the numbers...
Will The New Bailout Save Greece? Probably Not The resentful Greeks will have to live under an austerity regime for a very long time WASHINGTON – After dire warnings about Greece falling into the abyss of bankruptcy and national ruin, guess what…the EU got...
Greek Crisis Aside, Most Of Europe Is In Decline Italy and Spain are doing poorly, yet analysts talk about theiur comeback WASHINGTON – With all the excitement surrounding the Greek debt farce, (yes, it is mostly a farce), most observers are...
Whatever The Referendum Outcome, Greece Has No Recovery Strategy There is no plan that can give people hope about a better future WASHINGTON – The upcoming Greek referendum is mostly a reflection of political and policy confusion in a sorry country...
The Real Trouble With The Euro The EU monetary union project was based on bad assumptions. Too many differences among Eurozone countries WASHINGTON – The media love financial crises. And now they have the deteriorating Greek situation to talk about. I have...