No Action on Failing US Public Schools by Paolo von Schirach – WASHINGTON – For many years we have been debating the sorry state of US...
Amazon Will Spend $ 700 Million To Retrain Its Workers WASHINGTON – Amazon, the global e-commerce giant, just announced that it is planning to spend $ 700 million over...
Fight Inequality With Improved Public Education No, it is not. The challenge is how to respond to globalization and technological progress WASHINGTON – In the course of a popular national radio show, an important journalist declared that “the Big Issue”...
You Cannot Kick Start Innovation GE just announced that it will hold seminars in the UAE aimed at fostering a culture of innovation. It will not work WASHINGTON – The Emirates News Agency a year ago announced a partnership between the UAE Ministry of Economy and General...
On-Line Universities Will Soon Replace Traditional Higher Education Why pay $ 50,000 a year when you can get the same product through your computer, at a fraction of the cost? WASHINGTON – We may very well be at the beginning of a fundamental revolution that will transform American...
France And Italy Do Not Want Austerity – But They lack A Credible Growth Strategy Lack of competitiveness, combined with costly welfare, at the root of zero growth WASHINGTON – France and Italy want less Brussels-imposed austerity, (spending cuts, higher taxes, fewer benefits for retirees), and more...
The Arrival Of High Quality On-Line Education Spells The End Of Traditional Universities Thanks to the Internet now it is possible to deliver high quality education to millions of users at a fraction of the cost of regular university tuition WASHINGTON – Yes, it is official. Traditional universities are about to become extinct. This revolution in higher education is...
Contrary To What Many Believe, Most Indians Are Illiterate The gifted scientists and engineers are real; but they are a small minority in a vast country of over 1.2 billion people WASHINGTON – Based on partial and therefore misleading information you think that most Indians are highly educated and English...
America’s Economy: Stagnation and Inequality, A Bad Mix There is no significant innovation while income disparities are reaching Latin American levels. Politicians have no new ideas WASHINGTON – Capitalism is still by far the best economic system we know. But it is not as good...
Democracy Is More Than Free Elections As America's Founders recognized, self-government is premised on sensible, educated citizens pursuing the common good on the basis of realistic ideas By Paolo von Schirach February 15, 2014 WASHINGTON – In America many, including well-educated people, believe that “democracy” is really...