The End of Hong Kong By Paolo von Schirach— WASHINGTON – Hong Kong as we knew it –an island of economic (and at least...
Hong Kong Legislative Council Votes Against China Surprise exit of pro-China members leads to defeat of new electoral law WASHINGTON – If there is one thing that the Chinese leaders do not like is bad surprises. And they...
The Hong Kong Demonstrators Cannot Win Against Beijing Most of them know that China will never accept a political defeat WASHINGTON – As I look at the developing story of the extremely large Hong Kong pro-democracy protests, my sense...
At The Root Of the Hong Kong Protests: Economic Prosperity Is Founded On Political Freedom Hong Kong people want real democracy. China wants to control Hong Kong politics WASHINGTON – Will the Hong Kong protesters demanding true democratic elections for the special status territory win in the end?...
How Pollution May Ruin Hong Kong by Paolo von Schirach January 18, 2007 WASHINGTON – It was reported last December in Hong Kong that members...