America Needs Talented Immigrants By Paolo von Schirach – WASHINGTON – It is a well-known cliché to affirm that America is “a country...
The Senseless Death Of Kathryn Steinle The young woman has been killed by an illegal immigrants who should have been deported long ago WASHINGTON – The senseless killing of Kathryn Steinle by Francisco Sanchez, a Mexican illegal immigrant with a long criminal history, stunned America. 32-year-old...
Republicans Pledge To Fight Obama On Immigration – A Bad Idea The GOP must embrace the millions of illegal aliens who want to stay in America WASHINGTON – As expected, President Barack Obama just announced his plan to shield millions of illegal immigrants from prosecution...
The Republicans Must Support Immigration Reform Forget about fights on the legality of presidential decrees. This is a major political issue. Do the Republicans really want to be on the wrong side of a humane reform? WASHINGTON – The Republicans are in a real bind. Sure they won the November 4 elections. And by a...
Large Scale Immigration From Poor Countries Is An Economic Weight For Europe Unskilled immigrants cannot contribute to enterprise and economic growth. At best they compete for low skills jobs WASHINGTON – The headlines about illegal immigration into the European Union these days are mostly about the ordeals and...
Anti-Immigrant Political Movements Gaining Momentum In Europe The Swiss just voted against open immigration. This referendum is now cited as the indication of a new anti-immigrant trend By Paolo von Schirach February 10, 2014 WASHINGTON – In a referendum, a majority of Swiss voters (although with a...
Washington Now Dominated By Not So Great Scandals – Too Much Focus On Benghazi and The IRS Because There Is Nothing Interesting Coming Out Of The Obama White House – No Major Initiative, No Reform Plan By Paolo von Schirach May 17, 2013 WASHINGTON – The most telling evidence of Obama’s weakness is that B...
Immigration Reform May Succeed – The Republicans Want Latino Votes – However, Let’s Remember That Immigration Is About Becoming Citizens, Not Just Legal Workers – America Is About Shared Values, Not About Jobs By Paolo von Schirach January 29, 2013 WASHINGTON – In perennially divided and dysfunctional Washington it seems...
If Arizona is Wrong on Immigration, then what? WASHINGTON – The always relevant The New York Times dedicated an Editorial, “Showdown in Arizona“, July 28, 2010, to...
America: Open Doors to Foreign Innovators WASHINGTON – There are two issues confronting America’s economic vitality. One is the disturbingly weak short term economic picture...