Peace in the Caucasus is Attainable By Paolo von Schirach — WASHINGTON — Once the heavy lid of Soviet rule was removed from the Caucasus...
Major Economic Reforms In Saudi Arabia? Prince Mohammed would like to see quick modernization. It will not happen WASHINGTON – What is going in Saudi Arabia? Probably too much. We have now an odd stew of engineered...
The West Is Caught In Middle East Chaos Terrorism is just one manifestation of religious wars that will have no quick end WASHINGTON – The Paris terror attacks lead to Syria, to the Arab Spring, to the Sunni-Shia conflicts, to al...
Terrorism Is Rooted In Ideologies – It Is Not About Poverty President Obama says that if countries had better eeconomic policies there would no terrorism. Really? WASHINGTON – The White House convened a mega-summit on Countering Violent Extremism, with the participation of 65 countries. To...
Killing In The Name Of God Many believe that Islam breeds violence. But Christainity did the same, for centuries. Luckily, the Christians became more peaceful, but only recently All the current controversies about the religious foundations of the Islamic State, other radical and violent Muslim organizations, and...
Radical Islamic Groups Cannot Be Fought With Conventional Means The West is dealing with a variety of tiny disconnected groups animated by a violent ideology. In the end this wave will go away. In the meantime, we can only have partial security against terrorism WASHINGTON – The current wave of violence motivated and justified by crazy interpretations os Muslim scriptures created demands for...
Anti-Islam Movements Gaining Ground In Europe Muslim terrorism reinforces growing xenophobia. Expect clashes WASHINGTON – As terrible as they are, the Paris terror attacks are not that surprising. There are several Islamic...
The Crisis Of the Arab World Will Go On And On Not much that we can do about it. Still, we need to protect ourselves against terrorism, its most dangerous byproduct WASHINGTON – With sympathy but a great deal of pessimism The Economist examines the state of perennial backwardness of...
Senator Rand Paul In A WSJ Op-Ed Piece Argues Against Getting Involved In Iraq The Senator, however, says nothing about the possible threat to America that ISIL in Iraq may create WASHINGTON – In a well crafted WSJ op-ed piece, (America Shouldn’t Choose Sides in Iraq’s Civil War, June 20,...
What Will Obama Do About The Crisis In Iraq? Not Much It would appear that the establishment of a radical political entity in Northern Iraq does not represent a threat to America's national interest WASHINGTON – America should respond swiftly and massively against the political and military threat represented by the self-proclaimed Islamic State...