Terrorism Is Not An Existential Threat WASHINGTON – Sadly, there has been another terror attack. This time it took place in Munich, one of Germany’s...
Dealing With The Terror Threat in America America divided on what needs to be done WASHINGTON – As we are entering the heated phase of the US presidential campaign, the Orlando massacre perpetrated by...
Orlando Shooting Strengthens Trump’s Position On Muslims If this indeed about Islamic terror, Trump's anti-Muslim positions seem more reasonable WASHINGTON – In a U.S. presidential campaign that is and will be dominated by emotional slogans and over simplified...
America Is Not Suffering Daily Terror Attacks All media and some politicians created a false narrative about a phony existential threat WASHINGTON – One of the most damaging –and completely unchallenged– myths propagated by some candidates in this surreal presidential...
Forget About Assad – America Should Focus on Fighting ISIL The Islamic State is the biggest threat WASHINGTON – What are Obama’s options regarding an American “Syria Policy” aimed at supporting the emergence of a democratic...
Immigrants No Longer Welcome in Europe A few instances of criminal behavior gave a bad name to all new comers WASHINGTON – Predictably, the European refugee problem has turned into a major Europe-wide political crisis. Anti-immigrant, far right political...
The Manufactured “Terrorism Crisis” Terrorism is real. But it is not an existential threat WASHINGTON – America is getting into the heat of its presidential campaign in a climate of hysteria created by...
We Have To Learn How To Live With The Terror Threat No one has a magic remedy. Catching the bad guys is a job for the police and intelligence services WASHINGTON – Here we go, more home-grown terrorism in America, most likely Islam-inspired terrorism. This time it happened in...
The Terror Threat Will Not End It is too easy to create a terror group. And terror operations are really cheap WASHINGTON – Terror attacks hatched by crazy militants underscore the deep vulnerabilities of modern, open societies. They trigger an avalanche...
The West Is Caught In Middle East Chaos Terrorism is just one manifestation of religious wars that will have no quick end WASHINGTON – The Paris terror attacks lead to Syria, to the Arab Spring, to the Sunni-Shia conflicts, to al...