Italy’s Chaos May Endanger The EU A combination of economic, fiscal and political crises worries markets WASHINGTON – Italy is once again the problem country within the European Union (EU) and beyond. And this time...
Italy Overwhelmed by Poor African Immigrants economic and political refugees keep stream in, while Italy's native population is shrinking WASHINGTON – Italy has two major demographic problems. Both of them carry bad outcomes. Italy is the destination of...
Italian Prime Minister Talking Nonsense When wishful thinking becomes farce WASHINGTON – Yes, there is something to be said about optimistic political leaders who inspire their people to hang...
German Voters Fear Difficult To Assimilate Immigrants Popular rebellion against the liberal approach of Chancellor Angela Merkel WASHINGTON – German Chancellor Angela Merkel and her political allies just took a big hit in three states elections...
Italian Dreams Prime Minister Renzi indicated that, with a 0.7% growth, Italy is once again a locomotive WASHINGTON – Hope springs eternal. Yes, but when Matteo Renzi, the Prime Minister of Italy, a country in slow...
EU Money To Stop African Migrants? The latest European plan is a sign of despair or stupidity WASHINGTON – The EU-Africa Summit just held in Malta was supposed to lead to some kind of understanding between...
Italy Still In Crisis, But Some Media Are In Denial Headlines about declining public debt are delusional or deceptive WASHINGTON – Sometimes I wonder where is the boundary between self-deception and willful manipulation. Are some media in free...
Anti-Immigrant Europe Needs Immigrants Most European countries are facing a demographic crisis, with population declines WASHINGTON – I recently read a well crafted article about immigration in both Europe and the USA. It pointed...
In Italy High Unemployment Is Good News Major media look for a "silver lining" where there is none WASHINGTON – If you really, really insist on finding the proverbial “silver lining” in rather depressing news, here is...
Italy’s Bad Growth Numbers Described As Good In the "New Normal" leaders and media proclaim that chronic under performance is totally fine WASHINGTON – When drastically reduced expectations become the “New Normal” lousy economic numbers in Western countries become acceptable, and...