Europe’s Refugee Crisis Getting Worse Immigrants coming into Europe do not add to the economy. They need services WASHINGTON – According to UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, so far in 2015 Europe received about 300,000 refugees who...
More And More Africans Flowing Into Europe No way to stop this wave. Unskilled immigrants do not contribute to the economy WASHINGTON – High minded European media chastise both EU governments and segments of public opinion for their myopic and...
Steady Inflow Of Poor Immigrants A Huge Problem For Italy The inflow is not a flood. But it will not stop. Poor people require services WASHINGTON – Compared to the chaos caused by floods of Syrian refugees trying to find shelter in Lebanon, Turkey or Jordan, the numbers...
An Anti-Immigrant Coalition Won Elections In Denmark The Danish People Party gained new support WASHINGTON – A center-right coalition led by former Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen’s Liberal Party just won the elections...