End Of The Green Illusion? Not Yet By Paolo von Schirach — WASHINGTON— Now it is fairly clear. Getting to a green, decarbonized economy in order...
The End of Oil? By Paolo von Schirach – WASHINGTON – The Wall Street Journal reported on December 4th that “Denmark is to...
The Fake Aramco IPO By Paolo von Schirach – WASHINGTON – There were great expectations about the Aramco IPO. It was announced long...
Facing Low Oil Prices Exxon Is Looking For New Strategies The current oil glut makes many conventional oil project uneconomical WASHINGTON – Major oil companies are in deep trouble. Too much global supply means lower crude prices. If this...
Oil Prices Will Go Down But U.S. Shale Will Survive Showing remarkable resilience and flexibility the American shale oil industry managed to stay profitable in adverse market conditions WASHINGTON – After the oil production cuts recently announced first by OPEC and then non OPEC oil producers, oil...
Round One: US Shale Wins, OPEC Loses The US shale oil industry managed to become more productive and more efficient WASHINGTON – Here is the news. The US shale oil industry, while badly wounded by the price war waged...
The Dream Of A Modern Saudi Arabia Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed wants to transform a country whose entire society been shaped by the oil rent WASHINGTON – Bloomberg Businessweek placed Saudi Arabia’s Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman on its cover (April 25 – May...
Oil Prices Will Stay Low The Doha talks failed because Iran did not accept to freeze its oil production WASHINGTON – I am not at all surprised to see that the Doha oil talks aimed at finding an...
No Deal To Cut Oil Production – Still, Russia And Saudi Arabia Are Talking Can the two major oil producers come to an agreement at a later date? WASHINGTON – Saudi Arabia and Russia are the leading world oil producers and exporters. Energy Ministers from both countries...
A Russia-Saudi Arabia Oil Production Cut Deal? If this happened, crude prices would jump WASHINGTON – Saudi Arabia and Russia are the leading world oil producers and exporters. Energy Ministers from both countries...