Fight Global Warming With Disruptive Innovation – Not Mandates WASHINGTON – The Paris event on climate change will probably yield nothing really concrete. The fact is that, despite...
The Terror Threat Will Not End It is too easy to create a terror group. And terror operations are really cheap WASHINGTON – Terror attacks hatched by crazy militants underscore the deep vulnerabilities of modern, open societies. They trigger an avalanche...
The West Is Caught In Middle East Chaos Terrorism is just one manifestation of religious wars that will have no quick end WASHINGTON – The Paris terror attacks lead to Syria, to the Arab Spring, to the Sunni-Shia conflicts, to al...
After The Paris Terror Attack: Focus On The Caliphate Eliminating this stronghold of jihadi power in Syria and Iraq would hurt morale and recruiting power WASHINGTON – Regarding the large-scale terror attack that just took place in Paris, the worst thing that we can...
Anti-Islam Movements Gaining Ground In Europe Muslim terrorism reinforces growing xenophobia. Expect clashes WASHINGTON – As terrible as they are, the Paris terror attacks are not that surprising. There are several Islamic...
Why Western Media Avoided Calling The Paris Mass Killing “Islamic Terrorism”? There is fear that by calling the terrorists religious fanatics we may invite more violence. Wishful thinking that vagueness will make us safe WASHINGTON – The common feature of almost all the reporting about the Islamic terror attack against the magazine Charlie...