Coal Makes India The Super Polluter India uses coal for most of its electrical power generation WASHINGTON – In case you were wondering, we are not making much progress in our planetary war against global...
What We Learnt From The Tianjin Tragedy Laws are broken, information is withheld WASHINGTON – More bad economic news from China. Notwithstanding highly publicized official support for the stock market, after a...
Vertical Urban Farming Is About To Happen From Singapore to Japan, the USA and Europe entrepreneurs are growing crops in cities WASHINGTON – Over the years farming has become much more efficient. It has been heavily mechanized. Therefore it is far less labor...
China’s Plans To Improve Air Quality Fall Short Chinese reserachers estimate that official goals will not be met. Air pollution will continue WASHINGTON – After decades of denials, at least the Chinese authorities now recognize that they have a huge environmental...
Historic US-China Deal To Fight Global Warming? A non binding agreement that commits China to do something after 2030 does not amount to much WASHINGTON – President Obama went to Beijing and –surprise, surprise– he pulled a huge rabbit out of a hat in...
Chinese Court in Lanzhou Rejected Lawsuit Against Polluters – Individual Citizens Not Qualified To Sue It would appear that nobody will pay a price for polluting the water supply. Is China serious about new environmental standards? WASHINGTON – The Chinese people have been told that now their government is really serious about fighting air, soil...
Xi Jinping’s China Is A Country With Major Aspirations Undermined By Serious Systemic Weaknesses China's economy may have crested, while its citizens are becoming restless By Paolo von Schirach June 9, 2013 WASHINGTON – It is a good thing that President Obama hosted Xi...
Kenya Is Growing – M-Pesa Is A Sophisticatated Payment System that Uses Safaricom Mobile Phones As Its Platform By Paolo von Schirach March 22, 2013 NAIROBI, Kenya – Nairobi gets its name from the Maasai who called it...
Chinese Media Openly Discuss “Smog Crisis” People made aware of public health risks, costs of going green WASHINGTON – What is most remarkable about the almost historic “smog crisis” enveloping China is that all the...