America Lost Its Ill-Conceived War in Afghanistan By Paolo von Schirach – WASHINGTON – The longest American war is finally coming to an (unhappy) end. America...
No Real Development Without Economic Growth – Part 2 No progress without focus on what it takes to foster enterprise and growth WASHINGTON – International development practitioners focus on policies through which they can eliminate or alleviate poverty, the visible manifestation of...
No Real Development Without Economic Growth – Part 1 Development practitioners wrongly believe that poverty can be eliminated without building robust enterprises WASHINGTON – International development is generally defined by practitioners of this craft as “the fight against poverty“. I totally disagree...
The Tragedy Of The Uneducated Poor in America The poor cannot get a good education. And so, they stay poor WASHINGTON – Much has been said about the “crisis” of American public education. Indeed, if we look at the...
Unrealistic Plans To Stop African Migration Into Europe The creation of a mega infrastructure fund aimed at speeding up Africa's development will get you nowhere WASHINGTON – How can Europe stop the endless tide of poor migrants arriving daily from Africa? Very simple, argues...
Public Assistance Is A Curse FDR long time ago warned that depedance on relief is just like taking drugs WASHINGTON – “Continued dependence upon relief induces a spiritual and moral disintegration fundamentally destructive to the national fiber. To...
Italian Prime Minister Talking Nonsense When wishful thinking becomes farce WASHINGTON – Yes, there is something to be said about optimistic political leaders who inspire their people to hang...
The Moral Case For Capitalism Nobody talks about the benefits of self-reliance WASHINGTON – Would Hillary Clinton make a moral case for American capitalism? I am not so sure. First of...
EU Money To Stop African Migrants? The latest European plan is a sign of despair or stupidity WASHINGTON – The EU-Africa Summit just held in Malta was supposed to lead to some kind of understanding between...
In Mexico Large Gap Between Developed and Under Developed Regions The Economist suggests that the main obstacle to development is a traditional mind set that cannot embrace modernity WASHINGTON – I recently wrote about the absurd news item regarding 2.3 million applicants for 368 entry level civil...