When Data Cannot Be Trusted By Paolo von Schirach– WASHINGTON – Economics is a very imperfect science. Still, it has some shot at credibility...
U.S. Surrender In Afghanistan By Paolo von Schirach – WASHINGTON – The historic news is buried in short articles inside major newspapers. If...
No Serious Discussion About Entitlement Reform In The U.S. Posturing and grand standing hide the simple fact that no one in Washington wants to touch federal entitlements WASHINGTON – Much has been said about the first Trump budget recently released. The expected partisan critiques –in fact...
The Obama Foreign Policy Record Hesitation and retreat mark Obama's eight year in office WASHINGTON – The almost universally accepted narrative dished out daily by the serious, high brow U.S. media is that come...
Obama Is The Big Loser In This Election The hard reality is that most American voters do not care about his legacy WASHINGTON – Outgoing President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle actively campaigned for Democratic Party nominee Hillary Clinton. In...
How The US Fed Damaged The American Economy Too many years of zero interest rates caused a stock market bubble WASHINGTON – I indicated a while back that whoever would be elected President of the United States on November...