An Already Sick Nation Crushed By Coronavirus By Paolo von Schirach – WASHINGTON – We now know that most of the Americans who need to be...
How Can We Prepare For The Next Pandemic? By Paolo von Schirach – WASHINGTON – Belatedly, all countries, including the most advanced, decided to adopt quarantines and...
America Unprepared To Deal With A Pandemic By Paolo von Schirach – WASHINGTON – For very understandable reasons, millions of Americans are now focused on the...
Type Two Diabetes Is Preventable, But Nobody Says It by Paolo von Schirach – WASHINGTON – I recently read a very well researched article on the growing cost...
Wellness Programs Will Transform US Health care Doctors should be rewarded for teaching people how to stay healthy WASHINGTON – Undoing Obamacare is proving to be a lot more complicated than what confident President Trump (and the...
The Cure For Many Chronic Diseases Is In Life Style Changes Sophisticated "precision medicine" will help a lot less than adopting good habits: healthy food and regular exercise WASHINGTON – President Obama wants to support pioneering medical research. Hence his proposal to invest hundreds of millions of...
Bernard Tyson, Kaiser Permamente CEO, Argues That The US Health Care Industry Should Re-Focus On Prevention We spend immense resources treating diseases that could be prevented. The "fee for service" model does not help save any money By Paolo von Schirach October 16, 2013 WASHINGTON – Whatever the eventual fate of Obamacare, let’s be clear that this law is...
Obamacare Will Not Improve America’s Deeply Flawed Health Care System The new law is mostly about extending health insurance. It does not address the built-in incentives to over prescribe, nor does it create credible "wellness education" programs By Paolo von Schirach August 25, 2013 WASHINGTON – The real problem with soon to be implemented Obamacare is that, contrary to...
AARP Magazine Placed A Good Article On Bill Clinton’s Healthy Diet On Page 38 – Why Not The Cover Story? AARP does little to promote healthy habits among its members who are the largest consumers of medical services. Why is that? By Paolo von Schirach August 8, 2013 WASHINGTON – The 38 million strong AARP (formerly the American Association of...
Obama Care Will Not Be Able To Bring Down US Health Care Costs – America Needs To Embrace Prevention, Doctors Should Have An Incentive In Keeping People Healthy By Paolo von Schirach February 19, 2013 WASHINGTON – The “birth defect” of Obama’s Affordable Care Act, (universally known...