US Must Have a Plan To Face Future Health Crises By Paolo von Schirach – WASHINGTON – Here is the hard truth. America had no plan designed for national...
Farewell to Africa? No way for Africa to find its path to development until good governance will become the norm, rather than the rare exception WASHINGTON – Jacob Zuma is finally gone. It was a painful process. It took years; but he is now...
Can Italy Get Out Of Its Economic Hole? 13.6% unemployment, the national debt is 130% of GDP, while corruption is still rampant WASHINGTON – The Italian economy is still a sorry mess. But the Italian political scene has improved, somewhat. The...
Does The Veterans Affairs Scandal Prove That Governments Do Not Know How To Deliver Quality Services? Is the VA Department an isolated case, or is it just another piece of evidence indicating that only the private sector creates systems that can guarantee competence and accountability? WASHINGTON – The unfolding scandal affecting more than 20 medical facilities run by the Department of Veterans Affairs, (false records, lies...
Financial Aid To The Ukraine? Great Idea But Huge Costs Turning the Ukraine around will cost billions of dollars over many years. Western policy-makers have to convince voters that this is a worthwhile effort. By Paolo von Schirach March 10, 2014 WASHINGTON – A few days ago, I argued in a related piece...
Americans Waste One-Third Of All The Money Spent On Health Care Incredible but true. Fixing Obamacare will not solve any of the problems due to over spending By Paolo von Schirach March 2, 2014 WASHINGTON – The Obamacare fiasco, or at least semi-fiasco, continues to generate...
Democracy Is More Than Free Elections As America's Founders recognized, self-government is premised on sensible, educated citizens pursuing the common good on the basis of realistic ideas By Paolo von Schirach February 15, 2014 WASHINGTON – In America many, including well-educated people, believe that “democracy” is really...
Italy Cradle Of The Arts? Yes, And Today’s Center Of Corruption – The Worst In Europe The Italians feel ill treated by S&P because it failed to recognized its rich history. Well, how about its present, as the most corrupt country in Europe? By Paolo von Schirach February 5, 2014 WASHINGTON – The Financial Times reports that Italian authorities have filed some...
No Way For America To Compete Effectively Unless It Improves Its Dismal Public Education System Most children in Philadelphia cannot read, yet their teachers get good marks. How is this possible? By Paolo von Schirach September 25, 2013 WASHINGTON – There is really no dispute about the fact that in this hyper...
Washington DC Mayor Vincent Gray Vetoed “Walmart Bill” If his veto is sustained, Walmart will go ahead and open 6 stores in DC. Jobs will be created, while low income residents will have access to affordable goods By Paolo von Schirach September 13, 2013 WASHINGTON – Washington DC Mayor Vincent Gray vetoed the “Walmart Bill” passed by the...