Can Washington Borrow and Spend Without Limit? By Paolo von Schirach — WASHINGTON – Parts of the US are still suffering from the devastating consequences of...
Wanted: Credible Centrist Political Leaders There are non partisan elected officials who can propose an agenda of growth and opportunity for America WASHINGTON – Recently, a Democratic party elected leader of national renown argued in a public forum that in order...
Italy Still In Crisis, But Some Media Are In Denial Headlines about declining public debt are delusional or deceptive WASHINGTON – Sometimes I wonder where is the boundary between self-deception and willful manipulation. Are some media in free...
Thanks To The Central Banks, The Equity Bubble Is Getting Bigger Governments are not engaging in serious economic policy reforms. Central bankers keep pumping in more liquidity. What will happen next? WASHINGTON – Imagine this. There are lots of chronically sick patients in the hospital. Many of them are deteriorating...
Can We Find Decent People To Fix Our Democracies? Going for populists with easy answers is a bad idea WASHINGTON – Democracy and free markets anyone? By this I mean opting for a real republican government with fair...
Beyond The Debt Crisis, What Will Happen in Greece? The roots of the problem are in a non competitive economy and bad administration WASHINGTON – Suppose that recalcitrant Greece and its not so well disposed creditors (the EU, the ECB, and the...
China Is Slowing Down – Old Model Not Working Anymore Declining industrial production and a lot of bad debt force public officials to revise growth estimates WASHINGTON – We all know that the Chinese economy is slowing down. But we do not know all the facts....
Greece Once Again Threatens Europe’s Financial Stability A possible new leftist government will reopen the debt reduction deals. This possibilty exposes the Eurozone's fundamental weakness WASHINGTON – Greece is again in the news, and for bad reasons. Early elections (to be held on January...
Japan Headed Towards Disaster? Abenomics is not working. A stagnating economy, combined with an aging population, negative savings rate and more debt indicate trouble ahead WASHINGTON – Unfortunately for Japan, smashing political victories do not translate into good economic performance. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe held...
The Economy Grows Modestly, While Wall Street Is At An All Time High We have yet another bubble, this time caused by the ill-advised stimulus created by Central Bankers. WASHINGTON – When it comes to US higher and higher stock prices I am struck by something truly odd,...