Lack of Ethics Kills Democracies by Paolo von Schirach — WASHINGTON — A strong democracy is predicated upon high ethical standards upheld by at...
America Should Be An Opportunity Society By Paolo von Schirach – WASHINGTON – Come January 20, 2021, Joe Biden will be unable to effectively govern...
US Fiscal Irresponsibility Will Lead to Bankruptcy WASHINGTON – The Democrats in Congress and Republican President Donald Trump agree practically on nothing. Therefore, it is impossible...
Oprah For President? Americans look at outsiders simply because the pros are inept WASHINGTON – Oprah for President? Yes, after her recent Hollywood speech this is now a distinctly possible scenario for...
Tax Cuts Will Increase The U.S. National Debt To Unsustainable Levels Lowering taxes without significant spending reductions will cause deficit increases which will lead to a much bigger national debt WASHINGTON – It is really hard to properly assess the Republican tax reform proposal now discussed in Congress. Many...
America’s Delicate Democracy How deep ideological divisions breed dysfunction WASHINGTON – Democracy, anyone? But, yes, of course. We all want democracy. In principle we all agree as to...
No Serious Discussion About Entitlement Reform In The U.S. Posturing and grand standing hide the simple fact that no one in Washington wants to touch federal entitlements WASHINGTON – Much has been said about the first Trump budget recently released. The expected partisan critiques –in fact...
Wellness Programs Will Transform US Health care Doctors should be rewarded for teaching people how to stay healthy WASHINGTON – Undoing Obamacare is proving to be a lot more complicated than what confident President Trump (and the...
Obama Is The Big Loser In This Election The hard reality is that most American voters do not care about his legacy WASHINGTON – Outgoing President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle actively campaigned for Democratic Party nominee Hillary Clinton. In...
Can Clinton Unify Left And Center Against Trump? The candidate's message is that she is on the left but also a pragmatic doer who will seek unity. Will this resonate with voters? WASHINGTON – Hillary Clinton’s performance at the Democratic National convention in Philadelphia was “mission impossible”. Now the anointed presidential...