Can Biden Create a Viable Green America? By Paolo von Schirach — WASHINGTON — As president-elect Joe Biden announced his team in charge of climate change...
Fight Global Warming With Disruptive Innovation – Not Mandates WASHINGTON – The Paris event on climate change will probably yield nothing really concrete. The fact is that, despite...
New Technologies Will Make Carbon-Based Energy Obsolete Regulations and mandates will not work. Governments should invest much more in new R&D WASHINGTON – The NYT recently had a front page (scary) story on global warming, accompanied by a frightening map...
The Economy Grows Modestly, While Wall Street Is At An All Time High We have yet another bubble, this time caused by the ill-advised stimulus created by Central Bankers. WASHINGTON – When it comes to US higher and higher stock prices I am struck by something truly odd,...
France And Italy Do Not Want Austerity – But They lack A Credible Growth Strategy Lack of competitiveness, combined with costly welfare, at the root of zero growth WASHINGTON – France and Italy want less Brussels-imposed austerity, (spending cuts, higher taxes, fewer benefits for retirees), and more...
Mexico Will Amend Its Constitution, Allowing Foreign Companies To Invest In Its Energy Sector Great news for Mexico, for the US and for the world. The losers are Russia and the OPEC cartel By Paolo von Schirach August 13, 2013 WASHINGTON – If I were Vladimir Putin or Ali al-Naimi, Saudi Minister of Petroleum,...
With A Slowing Economy, China Is On Its Way To Becoming A “Normal” Country Construction boom and export-led manufacturing not as strong as before. Huge amounts of bad loans. Environmental disaster By Paolo von Schirach July 15, 2013 WASHINGTON – If you listen to Beijing Government officials, everything in China’s economy is...
Europe Will Continue Bailing Out Its Weak Southern Members This endless financial aid program is not sustainable. What will Germany do after its political elections? By Paolo von Schirach July 8, 2013 WASHINGTON – Back in 2009, at the very beginning of the Eurozone...
Happening Now: Bionic Human Beings With Man Made New Parts Coming soon: devices that will enhance and modify brain functions WASHINGTON – Wellness gurus teach people good habits in terms of healthy nutrition, good exercise regimes, and stress management...
Leaving Aside The Details Of The Unfolding Political Battles, America Is Fundamentally In Denial About The Severity Of Its Fiscal/Economic Predicament – President Obama Has No Plan – He Does Not Lead By Paolo von Schirach January 4, 2013 WASHINGTON – Deep down all individuals engaged in self-destructive behavior...