Anti-Immigrant Europe Needs Immigrants Most European countries are facing a demographic crisis, with population declines WASHINGTON – I recently read a well crafted article about immigration in both Europe and the USA. It pointed...
Trump’s Strategy – Not So Crazy Donald Trump is not playing to win the elections. However, he is establishing himself as a radical national leader WASHINGTON – Republican presidential contender Donald Trump has provided more details about his immigration reform plan that could be...
More And More Africans Flowing Into Europe No way to stop this wave. Unskilled immigrants do not contribute to the economy WASHINGTON – High minded European media chastise both EU governments and segments of public opinion for their myopic and...
As An Open Society, America Had An Edge In Nurturing And Attracting Talent – But Now The Edge Is Gone, While Other Countries Try To Catch Up – From China To India And Even Saudi Arabia, They All Want To Nurture Innovators By Paolo von Schirach July 13, 2012 WASHINGTON – “A free market in brainpower“. This is what...
The Tesla Model S Is A Great Electric Vehicle That Performs Better Than Most Luxury Cars The trouble is it is way too expensive, ($ 50,000 to $ 100,00). In order to transform the car industry and finally end oil dependence we need affordable EVs WASHINGTON – The recently launched Tesla Model S is the first, and most impressive, US made all electric sedan....
Is America In Decline? It Will Be Unless We Reform Entitlements, Education and Energy – Time To Reaffirm Faith In US As An Opportunity Society That Nurtures Innovators By Paolo von Schirach February 6, 2012 WASHINGTON – Remember Yale historian Paul Kennedy and his 1987...