The Obama Administration Failed To Protect The US Consulate In Benghazi From Credible Terror Threats – After The Killing Of Ambassador Stevens It Created The “Video” Story To Obfuscate The Facts And Deny Its Responsibilities – Failure To Pursue Intelligence Leads, Inadequate Security And Lack of Candor, A Bad Mix

By Paolo von Schirach Related stories: September 27, 2012 WASHINGTON – The story of the...

Obama Administration Conceding That Attack Against Benghazi Consulate Was In Fact A Premeditated Terror Action, Contradicting Earlier Position – Inability To Prevent Incident Reveals A Major Intelligence Failure

By Paolo von Schirach Related story: September 21, 2012 WASHINGTON – I expressed my skepticism about...

US Government Released Documents Showing How Osama bin Laden Was A Spent Force At The Time Of His Killing In May 2011 – Getting Rid Of Him Was Good, But Not Much To Brag About

By Paolo von Schirach Related story: May 3, 2012 WASHINGTON – I stated (see link above)...