French President Macron: “Europe Can Die” by Paolo von Schirach– WASHINGTON — In an April 25 speech at The Sorbonne focused on security issues French...
“The Economist” Mocking China Front page illustraation showing a scared dragon going downhill while a disheveled President Xi tries to stay on the saddle WASHINGTON – It is no surprise that The Economist‘s cover this week is about China. The Shanghai Stock Market...
In Mexico Large Gap Between Developed and Under Developed Regions The Economist suggests that the main obstacle to development is a traditional mind set that cannot embrace modernity WASHINGTON – I recently wrote about the absurd news item regarding 2.3 million applicants for 368 entry level civil...
The Appeal Of Easy Fixes Despondent Americans eager to listen to demagogues WASHINGTON – There is great appeal in fundamental beliefs that can be summarized in short sentences. The problem is...
Putin Deployed 50,000 Russian Close To Ukraine, Obama Sent 600 US Paratroopers To Poland And The Baltic States Even as a symbol of the US commitment to Europe a few hundred American soldiers do not impress anybody WASHINGTON – With cause, The Economist worries about America’s determination to stand up against the bad guys. (Putin in...
Assuming Congressional Approval, The US Military Must Deliver A Truly Powerful Blow Against Assad The world, including friends and foes, has to be convinced that America means business. Flagrant violations of international law do have consequences By Paolo von Schirach September 4, 2013 WASHINGTON – Regarding Syria and the US appropriate US response to its flagrant...
Can China Fix Its Environmental Disaster? Enormous sums will be spent; yet it may be too late. Lower economic growth will have political consequences By Paolo von Schirach August 11, 2013 WASHINGTON – China is indeed “The World’s Worst Polluter“, as The Economist newsmagazine...